Do a Discovery Flight

This is your chance to fly an airplane and see
if becoming a pilot is right for you

First Name
Last Name
Select Aviation Goal
Hi There! Looking forward to flying with you. Is there anything you'd like us to know? We'll give you a call shortly.
Cancellations made with less than 24 hours notice will incur a $75 fee.
This form is a request to complete a discovery flight at Sun City Aviation Academy. You must talk with a Sun City team member and confirm the time and date to ensure you are on the schedule.

What to Expect

A Discovery Flight is your ticket to the skies, offering a taste of what it means to be a pilot. The entire experience takes about an hour and a half with time for briefing before and after the flight. You'll be accompanied by one of our certified flight instructors who will introduce you to the fundamentals of flight and address any questions you might have. The best part? You'll have the chance to take control yourself, immersing yourself in the exhilarating feeling of piloting an aircraft.

Throughout your discovery flight, you'll occupy the pilot's seat, with an FAA Certified Flight Instructor right by your side, allowing you to handle the controls for most of the journey. This experience isn't just limited to aspiring aviation professionals. It's perfect for anyone looking to explore a new hobby or seeking an unforgettable gift. You're even welcome to bring a friend along for the adventure. Once the flight is over, your instructor will be available to provide answers to any questions you might have.

What's Next?

So, you've done an intro flight and you're ready to take the next step? Sun City Aviation Academy is here to help you towards your aviation dreams and complete your goals. Let's get into what happens after your first flight with us.

  • At Sun City, you'll be partnered with one of our certified flight instructors (CFIs) who will work closely with you to create a plan that aligns with your unique schedule and aspirations. Together, you'll set your flight training schedule, take a look into the syllabus, and address any questions or considerations you might have.

  • Before you can solo, you will need to complete a medical exam, purchase your books, and work on completing your ground school and written exam. Our team will be with you every step of the way to ensure you have everything you need to succeed.

  • As you begin your aviation journey, you will get very acquainted with the Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs). The FARs are the regulatory requirements for aviation and outline the requirements for becoming a pilot and exercising pilot privileges. Part of these requirments include building flight time both with an instructor and by yourself in solo flight, and also completing the FAA written exam. At Sun City Aviation Academy, we will help you every step of the way in completing your flight training and ground school to meet these requirements.

  • As you near the end of your flight training, you will work with your CFI to prepare for your check ride. Our team will ensure that you are well prepared and confident. We'll have stage checks along the way so you can successfully pass your check ride and earn your pilot's license.

  • Congratulations, you are now a certified pilot! Your aviation journey doesn't have to end here though. Our team can help you continue to improve your skills and earn additional ratings, such as an instrument rating or commercial certificate. Whether you want to fly for fun or pursue a career in aviation, we are here to support you every step of the way.

Start Flying At Sun City Aviation Academy
Which pilot program are you interested in?
What are your aviation goals?
Do you have any previous training?
Anything else you'd like us to know?